Hand-on Skills Exchange Program.
Hand-on Skills Exchange Program.
One of the definitions of skills exchange is: Spending a few hours doing something you’re very good at in exchange for other services which might otherwise cost you thousands of dollars per year if you’re to pay for that service. These services may include giving back to the community, church, or childhood friends. ASBDA wants to encourage skills exchange in a hands-on format, United States of America being the world’s largest economy. Small businesses from all over the world would be invited to spend time with similar businesses in the US. They would create an opportunity for small business from all over the world to acquire much needed hands-on experience. We are firmly convinced that each of us has a talent, a skill or a special knowledge that can be of great value and benefit to others. Sharing with someone creates joy and giving makes one happy. It is not about money or about generating a profit, but about the appreciation received by giving your time and skill for the benefit of other people. So, would it not be exciting to bring the potential of our skills together and to create a transparent and interesting offer? A pool of talents, which can be exchanged for mutual assistance? Everyone knows someone who knows someone who might help someone with something and that is of value to that person. Usually it is limited to family, friends, or neighborhood circles. It is a natural progression in this technological age to evolve this into an online marketplace of our collective skills and talents - and this in an easy, free, and fun way. These small businesses should be able to afford cost of travel, accommodation, meal, and entertainment for duration of visit to the US. These small should meet the Visa requirement to travel to the US. Please check with your location US Embassy or State Department website for Visa requirements.